Richardson Park Rules
Breckinridge Park Vehicle Info
- The paved road around the 'A' area soccer fields is ONE WAY (counterclockwise).
- Please obey the posted speed limit for safety.
- Be aware that jogging and cycling trails cross the road - be on the lookout for others.
- DO NOT PARK on the outside (right side) of the road. There are "no parking" signs on the
outside and you will be ticketed by Richardson police if you park there. Park in the parking lots,
or if necessary on the inside (left side) of the drive.
- All gates to the park are closed at sundown.
The City of Richardson has requested that when available; please park in a designated parking lot if possible when
using any City Park. The concern is the well being of our children – a parking lot seems to be safer than the street.
Tennis Courts
Please refrain from using the Tennis Courts for soccer practice at any City Parks. The City of Richardson is
planning to enforce non-soccer usage of Tennis Courts by issuing a citation to coaches.