Coach's Page
Coaches must register and be background checked every soccer year if they wish to coach in RSA.
Please follow the steps below to register as a NEW or RETURNING coach.
Easy on-line coach registration steps:
- Click the "Register Now" link below to launch GotSoccer on-line registration website
- RETURNING COACHES: In the "Registered Users" section on the right side, use the "Individual Users - Existing Account" to log in using the user name and password for your coach account; these would have been included in your coaching registration reminder email.
- NEW COACHES: In the "New Users" section on the left side, complete the required information to create your new coach account.
- Complete the rest of the registration form and select one of the upcoming coaching clinics if you have not achieved the proper license for your age group.
**IMPORTANT: Once you've completed your registration, you should receive a confirmation email followed by an email that will instruct you on how to complete your on-line background check. You will not be allowed to obtain your roster until the background check has been approved. Please note: If you are registering for spring and you coached in the fall, you will
not need to do another background check; these only need to be done ONCE each soccer year.
Coaching Education (NTSSA)
HANDBALL!! - This memo from the Manager of Referee Development and Education for US Soccer defines what is and is not considered a "handling offense".